Civil War Times December 2003 issue  written by Michael McAfee 

Johnny Reb and Billy Yank loved to sing --on the march, in camp, and
sometimes even in battle, The men in blue favored
"Battle Cry Of Freedom," "Red White and Blue," "The Star Spangled
Banners," and others The men in Grey cherished "Dixie,' Bonnie Blue Flag,"
and Yellow Rose of Texas," and all were moved by the heartbreaking tune
"Home Sweet Home."
Mess time--"What breakfast could possibly compare with this, "Union
Lieutenant Theodore Ayrault Dodge wrote in his journal in 1862--
"hard crackers, boiled beef (2 days in the haversack) and bologna sausage
(ditto) Officially, the daily Union ration consisted of 22 ounces of bread
and either 12 ounces of pork or a pound of salted beef.
Confederates were supposed to be supplied( but seldom were) with 12
ounces of bacon or 20 ounces of beef (usually salted) a long with 18
ounces of flour or 20 ounces of corn meal or hard bread. Vegetables such as
beans and peas were often hard to come by especially
for the Rebs. Usually, Yankees banked on hardtack and coffee, while
their counterparts tried to get by on corn bread and coffee. Men on both
sides got what they could by sutlers and foraging. Coffee and tobacco
were common cravings.
Soldiers on each side initially earned $11 per month. In june of 1864
the Confederacy raised each soldier's pay to $18 per month, a sum worth less
as the Confederate dollar dropped in value. That same month the Union
upgraded its soldiers' monthly wage to $16. Black Soldiers were paid just $10 per
month-minus the $3 clothing allowance that white troops received. After
 June 1864, black Soldiers who had been free men before the war were paid
the same as whites, but recently freed slaves who joined the army's ranks did
not get the raise .To fill the hours They wrote letters. In spite of the warnings Officers bouts of drinking and especially gambling broke out. Soldiers played
card  games, checkers, chess, and baseball, they whittled caraved and if they
 were feeling particularly creative, would even put on plays.
Both armies claimed to be fighting with God's blessing, religion played
a big part in the lives of many soldiers ----- While the slaughter and grief
 of war drove some men from their faith, religion revivals swept through
 both armies, claiming thousands of converts, Most of the men were
Christian,  though 7,000 Jews fought for the Union and 3, 000 for the South. 600
Jewish soldiers died in the war.



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